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Winner of the Industry Award from Supermassive Games
and Fantastical Fiction from Falmouth University's Games Academy.

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As the character designer and animator for the team, I designed the main character as well as finalising the NPC design. On top of that, I made all the character animations, VFX animations and created most of the promotional materials including the trailer above.


V.O.I.D. combines science fiction with fantasy - set in a fictional medieval world where scientists learn to use magic to control gravity and create a miniature black hole. You play as Gin, a scientist and en-gin-eer who worked on these gravity projects a long time ago before quitting and becoming a hermit. You return upon the Monarch's request to fix the Volatile Oddity Isolation Device and save the world!

The scientist worked in a facility called The Cradle, there they made the Volatile Oddity Isolation Device to stabilise the black hole. After abandoning the facility, a group of cultists who worship the black hole took over The Cradle, adorning it with their banners and candles. Gin intends to blend in with the cultists to get through the facility and fix the worn-down V.O.I.D.

A teammate created the initial concepts for these Cultists and I finalised them.


Check out all my designs and animations in action by downloading and playing V.O.I.D below!

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